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Recovery Now
I Just wanna help one person...

One of the big issues I had in my journey to recovery was the lack of individuals I felt I could relate to as far as my own story was concerned.
I didn't really want to meet anyone face to face about being gay as I felt I might be 'outed' when I felt I wasn't ready.
I was so confused and angry about my sexual abuse and I didn't feel like I have anyone to turn to.
I have recently spent 21 days in a rehab/recovery facility. An experience that has changed my life.
There was plenty of opportunity to sit around and chat to some of the other clients in the facility, and one thing we all agreed on was that more can be done in the realm of story sharing and access to information and resources.
So, without boring you too much here, my idea is to launch a modern/edgy online social media campaign that is going to be very simple.
Share stories, offer access to information.
Rinse, repeat. Rinse, repeat.
The concept will be be 100% online.
I am not looking to 'replace' or 'compete' with any of the other wide range of services that are out there, online or not.
This is me, and some of my rehab buddies, 'putting our shoulder to the wheel'.
We all feel that there is a bit of a gap as far as some of the amazing resources out there using modern techniques to get their message out there.
That is where we plan to come in.
How will it work?
Pretty simple, I am going to just start by telling my story. And hopefully, that will get the ball rolling.
As you can see by this website, and the pic on the right, the spelling, the grammar, the Facebook page. I need some help....
I am very lucky in the respect that I have some very good contacts out there in the business and media World.
Media people, website designers, business advisors....HELP.
I need to quickly get some $$$ together, get the correct corporate structure set up (not for profit), pay the fee's, buy/borrow the equipment, and start hitting the streets to catch up with my rehab buddies initially and get their stories online, and then where to from there, who bloody knows?!?!
I am hoping people may see some value in lending me a hand to make this vision to help other people a HUGE reality.
For those of you that I know personally, expect a call or a message soon!!
For those of you that have found your way here and would like to make contact, please drop me a line at   that is snowbeast spelt backwards, my nickname....
I have set up a Facebook page (, feel free to visit and 'like' if you would like to keep an eye on my progress.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read the info on this ultra cool website.
I hope it is the start of something big.
And most importantly, I hope we can get out there and spread the message of recovery and help some people !!
Click below if you would like to donate some money !!
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